Tag Archives: mated pair of Bald Eagles

Eric Zetterholm took this photo at the Gualala River. I wonder what the two Bald Eagles are thinking! They have interesting looks on their faces.

If you can think of a good title, post here or send an email to: mendonomasightings@gmail.com.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Another sunny, windless day on the beautiful Mendonoma Coast. There was a green flash at sunset last night and there could be another tonight!

Sara Bogard was doing her weekly Harbor Seal survey at the bluffs near the Point Arena Lighthouse when she saw this Bald Eagle with its dinner. A Common Raven looks on, but this Bald Eagle - like most, I believe - won't share.

One of my favorite photos of the Gualala Bald Eagles is this one taken by Eric Zetterholm.

Thanks to Sara and Eric for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

The storm moved on, leaving us with a breezy, drifting clouds kind of day.

Spring doesn't know...


On Thursday late morning I looked up at something white in a very tall tree on the east side of Highway One in downtown Gualala. And I had my long lens camera with me, though my photos could be clearer. Until I focused my camera I didn't realize there were two Bald Eagles - they were standing so close together.

They seemed very interested with the comings and goings of the humans far below. I entitled the first photo, "Watching over Gualala." The female is bigger than the male, so I think she is perched behind the male. What a treat to see them!

It's warm (low 60's) with thin high clouds today. Mushrooms are appearing. On a forage this morning I found two matsutakes (one over the hill), two clumps of sweet tooth hedgehogs, the first bellybutton hedgehog and a handful of candy caps. Gifts from the forest.