Tag Archives: Mark Simkins

Mark Simkins and Kitty Wolfe were at The Sea Ranch when they saw this at low tide - thousand of mussels.

Low Tide at Shell Beach - thousands of Mussels by Mark Simkins

Other creatures to look for are Sea Urchins. Craig Tooley took this photo.

Sea Urchins by Craig Tooley

And Sea Stars, this one photographed by Noel Olson. It is an Ochre Sea Star.

Summer Cheerleader - an Ochre Sea Star by Noel Olson

Thanks to Mark, Craig, and Noel for allowing me to share their photos with you here. Tide pooling is a Coast tradition.

To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is the link to his website: www.ruffimage.com.

It's always a treat to see a Red-shouldered Hawk. Mark Simkins recently photographed a young one near Manchester sitting on a fence post.

A juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk by Mark Simkins

And Robert Scarola spotted a juvenile in the Sea Ranch area. These hawks are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk by Robert Scarola

Robert also photographed this forest hawk on a rainy day and the bird doesn't look pleased!

Juvenile Red-Shouldered Hawk in Light Rain by Robert Scarola

These hawks have a distinctive call. You can hear it at this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-shouldered_Hawk/sounds

Here is what an adult looks like, photo taken by Jim Garlock. No more brown head!

Red-shouldered Hawk by Jim Garlock

Thanks to Mark, Robert, and Jim for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Mark Simkins and Kitty Wolfe have meadows around their Manchester home. Kitty says they have millions of gopher - yes, that is just an estimate. Bobcats LOVE gophers and can be seen hunting their favorite prey regularly. Mark recently got these photos.

A Bobcat just walked by my window by Mark Simkins A Bobcat on the move by Mark Simkins

Bobcats are often seen in the daytime here, though they are supposed to be nocturnal. They are agile hunters. Here is one of my favorite photos of one climbing the very high fence at the B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena, photo taken by Judy Mello.

Bobcat climbing the Giraffe fence by Judy MelloThat is a very determined Bobcat! And it shows if you are trying to raise chickens where Bobcats live, you really need to protect them.

Thanks to Mark and Judy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Mark Simkins photographed a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk recently. They are hawks of the forest, hunting prey such as frogs, mice and snakes.

A juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk by Mark Simkins

And Richard Kuehn photographed a juvenile Northern Harrier. They fly low over the land hunting their prey, small animals.

A juvenile Northern Harrier by Richard Kuehn

To hear the call of a Northern Harrier, here's the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Northern_Harrier/sounds

To hear the call of a Red-shouldered Hawk, here is the link: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/red-shouldered_hawk/sounds

Thanks to Mark and Rich for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Much of the Mendonoma Coast was covered in fog during the Perseids meteor showers. And there was a big full moon at the peak, a supermoon.  So the Perseids were pretty much a non-event for us this year as the light from the big moon made viewing them nearly impossible. Mark Simkins was able to photograph the supermoon from his place in Manchester, which miraculously had no fog that night.

Super moon over Manchester by Mark Simkins

This was on August 10th. The moon was the closest and largest of the year, just beautiful!

The fog has pulled back today. Looks like it will be a sunny weekend for the Coast.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here.