Tag Archives: Mark Simkins


Mark Simkins and Kitty Wolfe have sightings of a Bobcat near their Manchester area home now and then.  Last week this Bobcat emerged from the foliage and sat in the sun for a bit.

Here is a photo of a Bobcat kitten Mark took a few years ago. Just look at those big paws!

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

oh, it's a beautiful day on the Mendonoma Coast. The fog has pulled back over the ocean, and it's sunny, calm and mild. Wildflowers are beautiful now.

Three species of swallows migrate to the Mendonoma coast to nest - Violet-green Swallows, Cliff Swallows and Barn Swallows. Mark Simkins had a pair of Barn Swallows build a mud nest outside his home in Manchester this year. The parents are busy feeding their hungry chicks.

Here is a close-up of Barn Swallow chicks taken by Harm Wilkinson. Aren't they cute?

Thanks to Mark and Harm for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's a beautiful day on the coast. The morning fog pulled back and sunshine abounds. We have no smoke from the terrible inland fires. Here's hoping cooler temperatures will allow the firefighters to get the upper hand.

This Bobcat was on the trail of a tasty rodent. David McFarland took a series of four photos. The Bobcat is hunting, then pouncing, then stretching out in the air - something I haven't seen before - and then the Bobcat misses.

bobcat-hunting-by-david-mcfarlandbobcat-pouncing-by-david-mcfarlandbobcat-stretched-out-by-david-mcfarlandbobcat-missed-by-david-mcfarlandThese photos were taken at some distance, but I thought they were interesting and worth sharing.

Here are two of my favorite Bobcat photos. The first was taken by Allen Vinson and shows the intent stare of the cat with the tufted ears. The second is a rare photo of a Bobcat kitten, taken by Mark Simkins.

the-stare-of-a-bobcat-by-allen-vinson bobcat-kitten-exploring-by-mark-simkinsThanks to David, Allen and Mark for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Mark Simkins photographed the setting sun through trees near Manchester recently.  The sun looks huge!

A magnificent sunset at Manchester by Mark SimkinsSeeing the sun set "into the ocean" is one of the privileges of being on the Mendonoma coast.

We've had a lot of fog since last Saturday. But the fog lifted this afternoon and blue skies are now the rule.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Mark Simkins watched as a Doe with her yearling were being stalked by a Bobcat. The Doe was protecting her young one and chased the Bobcat off.

A stand-off between a Doe and a Bobcat by Mark Simkins

Here the Bobcat looks back at the mother deer.Bobcat looks back at the Doe by Mark SimkinsThe cat with the tufted ears must be thinking, "She's way too mean. I better look for a fat gopher for my meal."

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.