A beautiful hummingbird was seen on October 2 and 3 at The Sea Ranch. John Batchelder’s daughter, Marianne, was the first to see it and identify it.

Diane Hichwa wrote, “There is a rare bird staying for a few days at Sea Ranch - a Broad-billed Hummingbird. It has been seen on two other occasions in Sonoma County. It SHOULD be in Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico, but not here. But it is.”
Several other photographers got wonderful photos of the colorful hummer, including Craig Tooley. Craig wrote, “It is spectacular. Also, it makes a very different sound than our local Hummers.” Here is a link to hear their calls, which are quite different! https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Broad-billed_Hummingbird/sounds
Karen Wilkinson also photographed the beautiful hummingbird.
Why this little bird was so far from its normal territory is a puzzle, but we know how to appreciate beauty when we see it. Welcome to the Mendonoma Coast, little hummer!
Thanks to John, Craig and Karen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.
We are having a oh-so-lovely autumn day today. Perhaps a little rain tomorrow, please rain gods and goddesses!