Tag Archives: juvenile Brown Pelicans

Pam Ryan was out last Sunday to observe bird life at Gualala Point Island, which is found off the north end of The Sea Ranch. The public access trail from Gualala Point Regional Park gives you an up close view. The one Western Gull is sitting on her nest while her mate is standing close by. They don't seem to be bothered by the young Brown Pelicans.


These pelicans have brown heads and white tummies, signifying they are juveniles. Born off the Santa Barbara coast, they have arrived a little earlier than usual this year. Perhaps their food source to our south has become too scarce. In any case, it's wonderful to see them.

Thanks to Pam for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's a cool day today. The fog has pushed inland, and there are high clouds too.


These juvenile Brown Pelicans have a brown head and a white tummy. They were hatched to our south and are now migrating northward. Gail Jackson photographed the sight at Gualala Point Regional Park. Here is a group right alongside the Gualala River.

Western Gulls don't mind hanging out with the bigger birds.

And here Gail photographed a juvenile in flight, always a happy sighting.

Brown Pelicans have slow wingbeats, so they can be easier to photograph.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photo with you here.