A big Buck was out on the tide pools at The Sea Ranch. John Harmon wrote, “Jill and I happened across a security person while walking the bluff near the Marine Preserve between Post 14 and 15. She was looking at this Buck.

“As the tide was turning to come in, and because we had planned to go tide pool gazing, we ventured down to the rocks to circle around and flush him back up to the bluff. He was having none of it. Several others tried in vain. We continued on our walk and returned to find the Buck now laying down with a growing entourage of onlookers. We don’t know how this tale ended.”
John wondered if the Buck might be eating Kelp, but I learned Kelp is not nutritious for Black-tailed Deer. It’s a mystery why the Buck was out there, but he wasn’t in danger from the incoming tide. Deer are very good swimmers.
Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photo with you here.
We are getting some much needed rain today.