Tag Archives: Jeff and Pearl Watts

Bobcats are thriving on the Mendonoma Coast. Their favorite meal - gophers - are abundant in meadows. One particularly handsome Bobcat has been spotted in the Iversen Road area, which is north of Anchor Bay. Jeff and Pearl Watts have been fortunate to spot this Bobcat several times. In the photo below you can clearly see this cat's tufted ears.

Thanks to Jeff for allowing me to share his beautiful photos with you here.


One of my favorite birds on the Mendonoma Coast is the Swainson's Thrush. Its flute-like calls are wonderful to hear, always ending on a high note. To listen for yourself, here's a link from Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/swainsons_thrush/sounds

Robert Schwein discovered a nest with three eggs. They are completely blue with no flecks of brown, which is a bit unusual. However the babies didn't care. Robert watched them fledge a few days ago.

American Goldfinches arrive in the spring, delighting us with their beauty. Jeff and Pearl Watts had a  Goldfinch nest in the wreath hanging on their door! Here's a photo of the young birds in the nest.

Thanks to the Watts and Robert Schwein for allowing me to share their photos.