Tag Archives: Janet Burch

Robert Scarola recently photographed the action off of The Sea Ranch.
King Tide and Waves from Storm by Robert ScarolaJPG

You can almost hear the crash of the waves by looking at Robert's photo.

Janet Burch was also out photographing the big swells.

Magnificent waves by Janet Tervo

Note that the waves are crashing bluff high - amazing!

Thanks to Robert and Janet for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Bobcats are being seen more frequently the past couple of weeks. It appears the mothers are hunting for "real" food for their kittens. Janet Burch recently photographed one on The Sea Ranch.

You can see the Bobcat is looking right at Janet and her camera. This cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail is a year round resident of the Mendonoma Coast. Look for them in grassy meadows hunting for their favorite food - gophers!

Thanks to Janet for allowing me to share her photo with you here.


Welcome storms have been hitting the Mendonoma Coast. Those who love big crashing waves head for the bluffs to take a look at the Pacific Ocean in action. Between storms can bring some of the loveliest weather. Janet Burch recently photographed some beautiful waves off of The Sea Ranch.

The Gualala River is running high and muddy, such a welcome sight. After our bone dry January, the rains of February have been a blessing. May they continue in March!

Thanks to Janet for allowing me to share her photo with you here.