Tag Archives: Irish Beach


Paul and Monique Cooper were the first to spot this Bald Eagle who is missing his or her left eye. The eagle visited their area in Irish Beach for several days.

I sent Paul's photo to several experienced birders, asking if they had seen this bird before. No one had. In my Mendonoma Sightings column I asked people to be on the lookout for this Bald Eagle and see if they could get a closer photo. Eric Zetterholm came through, as he often does.

I was told this Bald Eagle has two indentations in the back of his or her head. I would guess that this eagle was attacked, perhaps by a Great Horned Owl. Using up one of his or her lives, this Bald Eagle has completely healed and was seen by Eric eating a fish. Hooray!

Thanks to Paul and Eric for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Wind and more wind is the story today. This is suppose to be the last day of the strong wind. May it be so!

Bill Mabie found this Bobcat near Irish Beach, and he got a wonderful photo of the cat with the bobbed tail.

The markings on every Bobcat are unique to itself, like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Foggy right along the coast, and bright sunshine at our house, which is a 1/2 mile from the ocean. The Mendonoma Coast has many microclimates. The temperature hit 72 degrees today, not very winter-like!

A lone bull Roosevelt Elk has been hanging out with domestic cattle near the town of Elk for several years. Ron Bolander photographed the big fellow resting in a meadow.

Scott Mercer found him nearer to the town of Irish Beach recently.

We hope a female or two will find their way to him as the domestic cattle herd doesn't qualify for his harem!

Thanks to Ron and Scott for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Rain overnight, brilliantly sunny today - kind of sounds like Camelot, doesn't it?

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Jim Corbett photographed the sun-loving California Sea Lion. The Sea Lion looks pretty happy there on the breakwater.

Rebecca Stanley found a Sea Lion pup in distress. He was huddled up against a driftwood structure on the beach at Irish Beach. Poor little fellow.

Rebecca did the correct thing - she called the Marine Mammal Center (415)289-7325). They sent a trained local to assess the situation. The decision was to take the sick pup to the Marine Mammal Center. He has been named Qi. He was separated from his mother and very malnourished. He will likely be at the Center for several months and then hopefully released back to sea. You can check on Qi at: http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/

Thanks to Jim and Rebecca for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Another beautiful sunny day here, but that is about to change as a series of storms is headed our way!

Rusty Babcock was visiting her brother, Tom Reidenbach, in Irish Beach several weeks ago. Tom wrote, "[Here is] the feisty [Belted] Kingfisher that scolds every visitor to Pomo Lake in Irish Beach. He/she usually never sits still long enough to get a picture."Look at that fancy hair-do! Belted Kingfishers perch on a branch near water, such as Pomo Lake, and dives head first into the water for fish, frogs, and other aquatic prey. To hear their twittering call, here is a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Belted_Kingfisher/sounds

Thanks to Rusty for allowing me to share her photo with you here, and to Tom who forward it to me.

Rick and I took a walk with our golden retriever, Duffy, on the Point Arena/Stornetta Lands this morning. There was no wind and it was quite mild. Lots of happy visitors to the Lands, including us. On the road to the Lighthouse, and then on the Lands, we saw a Red-tailed Hawk perched on a telephone pole, a small group of Killdear, several whales, possibly Gray Whales, on the surface of the ocean, two groups of Brown Pelicans flying north, Cormorants and Gulls. What a great day for sightings of our natural world!