Tag Archives: iridescence

A week ago Friday, the Pacific Ocean was booming. Perry Hoffman wrote, “The waves at Black Point were so huge yesterday that the spray created glorious rainbows. Here is my best shot.”

Rainbows in waves are called iridescence, a spectacularly beautiful sight. And Black Point Beach is off The Sea Ranch, a spectacular beach with public access.

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photo with you and for sending me his
"best shot!" To see more of Perry's artwork, here is his website: https://magentaraven.com/

After some fog rolled up the coast, south to north, this morning, it has pulled back over the Pacific Ocean. Blue skies with thin clouds are the order of the day. Rain is forecast to return late on Tuesday.

Marilyn Green came across this on a local beach a few weeks ago.

Abalone shells wash up on beaches and are fun to find. Someone did a little collecting and left them for others to take. It's the interior of the abalone shell that has iridescence.

A rare chance to use an 11 inch abalone gauge by Jack Likins (Medium)

This photo was taken by Jack Likins of a eleven inch abalone he dove for a few years ago. To get a ten inch ab is a dream of many divers. Jack's accomplishment of an eleven incher is amazing.

Thanks to Marilyn and Jack for allowing me to share their photos with you here.