As their common name suggests, Stream Orchids grow near water. Holly McCarroll-Baker found some growing near a tributary of the Gualala River.

Their scientific name is Epipactis gigantean and they are also called Chatter Box Orchid. Why? Because the flowers are hinged. When a breeze hits them the petals move. Listen closely and you might hear what they are saying!
Holly is a caterer and owner of Peace of Nature Farms in Annapolis. She catered the book launch party for my book, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout The Year. Here she is with photographer Craig Tooley and me just before the doors opened.

Along with quite a few appetizers, she made 1000 truffles, yes 1000 truffles! And not one remained.
Thanks to Holly for a great catering job and for allowing me to share her photo with you here.
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