Tag Archives: Harbor Seals

Chris Beach photographed the action at the mouth of the Gualala River recently. A small group of Harbor Seals had a big Steelhead. One of the two mated Bald Eagles seen at the river tried to steal it away.

The Bald Eagle was not successful...this time!

Thanks to Chris for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


Eric Zetterholm was photographing one of the two Bald Eagles seen this winter at the Gualala River. The Bald Eagle made a perfect landing on a snag in the river.

Then the Bald Eagle flew over to a group of Harbor Seals that were hauled out on the sandbar of the river. Look at the eagle craning his or her neck to view the seals.

Eric couldn't believe what he saw next. The Bald Eagle picked up a long stick, flew to the seals and DROPPED the stick on the seals!

We can only speculate why the Bald Eagle did this. Was there was some food - a fish, perhaps - on the sandbar with the seals? Or perhaps this eagle just didn't like the seals being in his or her territory? Fascinating stuff!

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Sherry Scholl spotted this adult Harbor Seal with two smaller seals. Laura Cortright confirmed the two smaller ones are last year's pups.

It's just about time for pupping season. It's important to realize that mothers leave their newborn pups alone on secluded beaches so they can go feed. Never try to "rescue" a pup. If you see a Harbor Seal pup, or any other marine mammal in distress, the correct thing to do is call the Marine Mammal Center at 415) 289-SEAL. They will call a trained local resident to come and assess the situation.

And remember to keeps your dogs leashed when approaching any beach this time of year. We are fortunate that Harbor Seals thrive here, and we don't want to stress them in any way. Here's to many healthy pups this year!

Thanks to Sherry for allowing me to share her photo with us here.


Rick and Teresa Denniston hiked the Salal Trail, one of the public access trails on The Sea Ranch. When they reached the beach, they found this big piece of driftwood perched up on a rock against the bluff.

Rick also photographed a group of Harbor Seals hauled out on the sandbar of the Gualala River last Saturday. He took these photos from his home overlooking the river.  In the first photo the seals are at the bottom right. The following photo is a closeup.

The Dennistons rent out their beautiful home, which is called Serendipity - here is the link. http://rentals.coastinghome.com/rns/property/Serendipit.aspx

Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photos with you here. More storms are lined up to hit the coast, beginning tonight. Batten down the hatches!

Beth Kattleman took a recent kayak trip on the Russian River. She had visitors, Harbor Seals, and they sure were curious about her!

harbor-seals-looking-at-me-by-beth-kattlemanBeth's photo reminds me of a photo of Craig Tooley's that we included in our book, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year. He and Rita Peck were ocean kayaking off of The Sea Ranch when these CA Sea Lions checked them out.

sea-lions-seen-from-a-kayak-june-by-craig-tooleyYou can almost hear them talking - hey, what's happening? Seen any tasty fish? Can you come and swim with us?

A little fancifulness for you today as we try and recover from the election.

Thanks to Beth and Craig for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: www.ruffimage.com