Tag Archives: Hal Fogel

Hal Fogel entitled this photo, "Don't feed the Gray Fox." It's a good idea not to feed wildlife, thus keeping them wild. Photographing them is just fine though. Thanks to Hal for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Hal Fogel, a talented painter, was recently awarded second prize in the prestigious May Show, which is now showing at the Gualala Arts Center. Stop by the Arts Center and see Hal's work!

See if you agree. Hal Fogel deemed this Western Scrub Jay "The Admiral." I can see where Hal is coming from! This bird has a great deal of presence about him. And you've got to love those white eyebrows.

Thanks to Hal for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


Cooper's Hawks, Accipiter cooperii, move into the Mendonoma Coast in the autumn and over-winter here. They are a little smaller than a Red-tailed Hawk and can be identified in the air by their flap-flap-glide motion. They are amazing, agile fliers. They hunt small birds. Sometimes one will show up near a bird feeder. That's the time to take down the bird feeder so the Cooper's Hawk isn't given a free lunch.

Hal Fogel recently photographed this immature Cooper's Hawk. If it were an adult it would be blue-gray on top instead of brown. Many thanks to Hal for allowing me to share his photo with you!

To hear the call of a Cooper's Hawk, here's a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Coopers_Hawk/sounds/ac

We share the Mendonoma Coast with the beautiful Gray Fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus. They are often photographed hunting in the open meadows of The Sea Ranch. And that is where Hal Fogel photographed this Gray Fox. Thanks to Hal for kindly allowing me to share his photos with you.

Something caught this Gray Fox's attention!

Fun fact: Gray Foxes are monogamous. Their kits are some of the cutest critters you could hope to see. Here's a link to see Craig Tooley's photo of two Fox kits. http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/31/two-photos-of-gray-fox-kits-by-coastal-photographer-craig-tooley/

On Mondays I like to post a fun picture, one that might make you smile. Hal Fogel recently sent me a photo that made me smile. Two Townsend's Chipmunks appear to be in a race, with the Steller's Jay watching from the sidelines. Hal titled his photo "at the races!"

The fog drew back today and that yellow thing in the sky - the sun! - appeared for the first time in days. This would be a good week to visit the Mendonoma Coast.