Tag Archives: Gualala

Carl Romick  wrote, “From our trail cam last night, Tuesday June 18 at Schooner Gulch - a healthy pair of Puma. They ripped down the dog fence in front of our house apparently.”

In looking at Carl’s video, they appear to be two adults, perhaps a male and female. Mountain Lions do not have a mating season; they can mate at any time of the year. So it’s possible a male was paying a courting call on the smaller female.

Here is the video: Two Mountain Lions on Schooner Gulch courtesy of Carl Romick

Thanks to Carl for allowing me to share his video and screen shot with you here.

It's windier than heck here today! Fog is over the ocean, but get a little ways inland, and it's toasty warm.

California Quail might be pairing up now. Paul Brewer had this male and female quail visit his garden in Gualala. The more showy male is on the left.

CA Quail are mainly seed eaters, preferring to eat on the ground. So if a Jay knocks seed out of your bird feeder, the positive might be that these beautiful birds might arrive to eat the seeds.

I've seen CA Quail take dirt baths, a fun thing to watch!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: https://paulbrewer.smugmug.com/

Today was clear but windy, temps in the low 60s.

Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning. This type of sunrise lets one know a storm is on the way. Paul Brewer caught some magic recently from his place in Gualala.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: https://paulbrewer.smugmug.com/

We had a rip roarer of a storm yesterday, Wednesday Jan. 31. Here's a look at the downpour at Rick's and my place - click on the blue link below. Yikes! We received 3.60 inches yesterday.


We've had stormy weather which often brings rainbows. Perry Hoffman captured magic with his photo of a rainbow over the Pacific Ocean. You'd have to swim to get that pot of gold!

Paul Brewer photographed this big rainbow in Gualala.

Chris Braley may have photographed the same rainbow as Paul but she was at the Gualala River, on the Gualala Bluff Trail.

It's always a treat to see rainbows! Thanks to Perry, Chris and Paul for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

At Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay, we received 2.75 inches of rain from the storm. 23.96 season to date. Seasonal creeks are roaring today! It's a great time to look for waterfalls.

Somewhere on the Mendonoma Coast, there is a Barn Owl family. Paul Brewer, sworn to secrecy about the location, was invited to photograph the chicks. He shared this photo with Sightings.

Looking closely at Paul’s photo, you can see bits of down, white fluff, on its head and shoulders, but the owlet has a heart-shaped face and its flight feathers can be seen. I think he/she is about seven weeks old. At this age, the owlet will be flapping its wings to get ready to take its first flight soon.

Barn Owls don't hoot - they scream. If you'd like to hear their call, here is a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Barn_Owl/sounds If you have pets, keep the volume low!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. When you are in Gualala, stop in at The Dolphin, which is across from Trink's. Many of Paul's nature photographs are on display there.

oh my, it's a lovely day here today. No wind and mild temps. There is a fog bank forming over the ocean, so perhaps this warm weather won't last long.