Tag Archives: Gualala

I shared some of Don's sunset photos with you yesterday. Here are some fascinating cloud formations Don took from his deck in Gualala. Mother Nature is always putting on some kind of floorshow!

As summer winds down, we look forward to more dramatic clouds. Early storms to our north often give us magnificent sunsets. I bet Don will be ready with his camera!

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share some of his favorite photos with you here.

Over the years Don Spear has photographed some beautiful sunsets and spectacular cloud shows. Here are some of his sunset photos.

Just magnificent! Thanks to Don for allowing me to share his photos with you here. I will share some of his cloud formations tomorrow.

A choice, edible mushroom that *normally* blooms in the fall, usually in November, has fruited on the Mendonoma Coast. Cathleen Crosby had a half dozen pop up near her home in Gualala

This is exactly what you look for - a big, fat mushroom with a thick, white stalk and a brown cap. Under the cap is a sponge rather than gills. This mushroom is a joy to find and delicious to eat. Now I wonder what will happen when our fall rains begin. Will we get a normal bloom of King Boletes?

Our summer edible mushroom is The Prince, Agaricus augustus. It is blooming on schedule as Leslie Hoppe's photo shows you. The Prince often pops up near roads and trails. When it is young it tastes sweet and almondy; when older it tastes more "mushroomy."

Thanks to Cathleen and Leslie for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Late in the evening on July 3 and continuing through the early morning hours of July 4, the Mendonoma Coast witnessed a fantastical lightning show. Fortunately most of the event was over water, in our case the Pacific Ocean.

Mel Gerst, now an "official" storm chaser, got in his car and took three photos from three different spots. The first was taken from The Sea Ranch.

The second photo was taken looking over the Gualala River.

And the photo below was taken by Schooner Gulch.

What an event! We don't get many lightning storms like this on the Coast.

Thanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

These photos are so beautiful. On March 23 we had such an unusual cloud show in the west and a magnificent rainbow formed inland. Paul Brewer photographed the rainbow over Gualala. It looks like a magical land.

And George Bush photographed it just as the sun was setting from The Sea Ranch.

 You can see the setting sun reflected on the houses below. Quite a beautiful event!

Thanks to George and Paul for allowing me to share their photos with you here. You can much more of Paul's nature photography at: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/