Tag Archives: Gualala River


We had a male and female Bald Eagle at the Gualala River for several weeks. They have been spotted elsewhere. Jerry Anon photographed them at Anchor Bay Beach.

And Beth and Jeff Petit saw one at the mouth of the Garcia River.

We hope they built a nest somewhere here on the Mendonoma Coast. It has been quite exciting to see these majestic birds. I hope to have new sightings of these eagles soon!

Thanks to Jerry, Beth and Jeff for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Paul Batchelder was by the north fork of the Gualala River, just above the green bridge, yesterday. He saw a happy sight - Steelhead headed up the river. You can see two fish on the upper left side of Paul's photos.The photos aren't the clearest, but the news sure is welcome.

To show you what the Green Bridge looks like, here are two photos taken by Kay Martin.

All the rain we have received in February has revived the Gualala and Garcia Rivers. It is a joy to see them running strong and supporting endangered Steelhead. Hooray for Mother Nature!

Thanks to Paul and Kay for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Martin Steinpress captured a big of magic recently - a green flash.

Martin also saw the food chain in action at the Gualala River. Below a River Otter has nabbed a Gull and is taking it to shore for its lunch. I believe there is a second River Otter behind the one carrying the Gull. They do hunt cooperatively.

River Otters swim underneath a group of unsuspecting Gulls and then grabs one for dinner. A River Otter was seen taking a Brown Pelican this way. It can be hard to see but it is part of our natural world.

Thanks to Martin for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

To see a photo of a  green flash that turned into a blue flash and then a purple flash, photographed by Ron LeValley, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/08/10/a-green-flash-that-turned-into-something-more-as-photographed-by-coastal-photographer-ron-levalley/


Rick and I went to Gualala Point Regional Park this morning, hoping to see the Bald Eagle pair. No luck, darn it. We stopped to talk to a visitor from Michigan and he related that he saw one yesterday. In fact, it flew 15 feet over his head!

Phil Wendt recently photographed the pair.

In an exciting development, the male Bald Eagle was seen gathering nesting materials. We are wishing and hoping this pair builds a nest by the river. The biggest concern is that people might get too close in their desire to photograph them. So stay a safe distance away, using your longest lens. We don't want to scare them or disturb them in any way.

To see more of Phil's photography, including more photos of these Bald Eagles, here is the link to his website: http://philwendt.com/

And thanks to Phil for allowing me to share these photos with you here.

Two Bald Eagles have been making  numerous appearances at the Gualala River. They've been seen perched together on two logs and flying over the river. Ken Bailey photographed them this past week. In the first photo, one of the Bald Eagles takes flight, reflected in the river.

And below is a photo of the pair. This photo appeared on page one of this week's Independent Coast Observer, the best small town paper around. (I may be a bit biased...)

Thanks to Ken for allowing me to share his photos with you. To see much more of Ken's photography, including underwater photography, here is his website: http://www.seadreams.org/