Tag Archives: Gualala River

Nancy Trissel was on a hike when she came across this endangered frog, the California Red-legged Frog, Rana draytonii.

California Red-legged Frog by Nancy Trissel

This frog is only found in California and a small part of Baja California. They are in serious decline due to habitat loss but they can be seen here on the Mendonoma Coast. They lay their eggs in the upper reaches of the Gualala River.

Here is another photo of this frog, taken by Darrell Paige.

California Red-Legged Frog by Darrell Paige (Large)

This frog is one of the many reasons we have to vigilant to make sure our watershed is protected from development.

Thanks to Nancy and Darrell for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It is rare to see a Western Pond Turtle. They are very shy and usually found near or in a river. Peter Baye came across one crossing a road on a very warm day.

Western Pond Turtle crossing the road by Peter Baye

Peter was concerned that the turtle would get harmed by a passing car. He picked it up, planning to take it to the riverbank...and the turtle peed, probably in fright.

Western Pond turtle peeing by Peter Baye

Peter returned the turtle to one of the forks of the Gualala River. This is what it looks like in its usual habit, photo also taken by Peter.


Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Jason Aguirre recently kayaked the Gualala River. The tide was coming over the sandbar that has the river closed to the ocean. Jason said it made for an exciting time.

Kayaking on the Gualala River by Jason Aguirre

The wind has evaporated some of the water in the river but it is still fun to kayak it. Today we are having clear, warm weather - perfect for a jaunt on the river.

Thanks to Jason for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We've had  lot of wind and no fog here on the Mendonoma Coast. Last Thursday we had some high clouds that gave us a beautiful sunset. Paul Brewer photographed the sunset from the banks of the Gualala River.

Gualala Sunset by Paul Brewer

The Gualala River looks pink and mauve with the clouds reflected off of it. Just beautiful.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website:   http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/


Julie Bower took two photos and set them side-by-side to show us the highs and lows of the tide at the mouth of the Gualala River.

It's very interesting to see the difference! Thanks to Julie for allowing me to share her photos with you here.