Tag Archives: Gualala River

River Otters live in and by Mendonoma rivers and creeks. Steve Coffey-Smith recently spotted three River Otters in the ocean.

River Otters by Steve Coffey-Smith

One place you might see River Otters is near the lagoon of the Gualala River. They cannot abide pollution so the fact that they are here is a good indication of the health of our waterways.

Though they look cute, they are feisty creatures. The female raises her pups; the male is only around for mating. One of my favorite photos was taken by Nan Brichetto of a River Otter sleeping on a beach.

River Otter sleeping in the sun by Nan Brichetto (Large)

Thanks to Steve and Nan for allowing me to share their photos with  you here.


Peter Baye found this beauty blooming on a rocky outcrop along the Gualala River. Its common name is Wallflower, and its scientific name is Erysimum capitatum. It doesn't look like a shy, retiring wallflower to me!

Wallflowers, Erysimum capitatum, by Peter BayePeter describes this flower as egg-yolk yellow, and you can see why. Peter had previously photographed a different species of Wallflower, Erysimum menziesii ssp menziesii.

Menzies Wallflower - Erysimum menziesii ssp. menziesii - by Peter Baye

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Yes, we are receiving some much needed rain. When storms move through we are often left with rainbow days. Jin Sharples recently photographed a double rainbow.

Double rainbow by Jin Sharples

One of my favorite rainbow photos was taken some time ago by Peggy Berryhill. It shows the mouth of the Gualala River.

Beautiful Rainbow on Earth Day by Peggy Berryhill

Thanks to Jin and to Peggy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.


Imagine by Jeanne Jackson and Peter Baye

Imagine. As Dr. Edmunds, owner of Gualala Redwoods Inc., contemplates the offers on his vast holdings of land, we imagine what the Mendonoma Coast could be like if he chooses the bid submitted by The Conservation Fund on behalf of the eight members of the Conservation Coalition.

We envision Gualala Point Regional Park extended up river to include the floodplain reaches of the Gualala River currently owned by GRI. Like Big River, the haul roads would make outstanding public trails for easy hiking and bike access, and spur trails to the river would extend access to dozens of natural gravel bars and swimming holes. The whole riparian forest could be allowed to grow and mature, eventually to majestic old-growth structure. The river views will amaze visitors, along with the spectacular groves of mature redwood and bay trees.

Gualala River in February by Harmony Susalla

Fishing, currently catch and release, for Steelhead can be excellent in the lower river reaches when flooded deep in winter and spring. Imagine easy access to these prized spots.


If Dr. Edmunds chooses the Conservation Coalition bid, river beaches will be in the public domain. Many gravel bars traditionally used by locals, such as Switchville and the Hot Spot, will be available for water play and swimming for ourselves, and our dogs too.

Children in the Gualala River by Mary Sue Ittner

The GRI lands are a bird paradise. There are regular residents, like many species of herons, great egrets, common mergansers, sandpipers, and so very much more. Last year two bald eagles were seen flying over the Gualala River. Imagine if they nested in these lands.

Adult Bald Eagle at the Gualala River by Richard Kuehn

Imagine being able to hike in the GRI lands. You could have a wildlife sighting that will last a lifetime. A black bear might amble through, or you might see an elusive mountain lion. Closer to the river it’s possible to spot one of our native snakes, frogs, turtles, or river otters.


In this redwood forest of the lower river floodplain, there are sedge marshes that help replenish and purify groundwater, and provide steelhead with rich food supplies.  There are native forest wildflowers, including trilliums, calypso orchids, rein-orchids, wild ginger, and rare wetland plants such as the fringed corn lily. Traditional Pomo medicinal and food plants grow at forest edges and openings.

Fringed Corn Lily Blossom with Karen and Nan by Jeanne Jackson (Medium)

If the Conservation Coalition wins the bid, the land will be able to heal and recover from past forestry practices and gravel mining by shifting to a more sustainable, lower intensity harvesting and extraction.

Rob Elder at the McCabe Tree by Jacquelynn Baas (Medium)

We would rejoice at the chance to protect our water resources, both for The Sea Ranch and Gualala. In keeping land use low in these lands, there will be less demand for groundwater, and stream diversions. The groundwater recharge areas would be protected, and the wetlands would do their job of purifying waters.

The full Gualala River by Jeanne Jackson (Medium)

We embrace a visitor-based nature economy. Showcasing the natural beauty of our environment is the best way of ensuring its protection. The acquisition of these lands would further enhance our experiences with the natural world around us.


Photos: The Gualala River in February by Harmony Susalla, Catch and release fishing for Steelhead by Bill Mathews, Children playing in the Gualala River by Mary Sue Ittner, Bald Eagle in the Gualala River by Richard Kuehn,  Western Pond Turtle by Peter Baye, Fringed Corn Lily by Jeanne Jackson, Rob Elder at the McCabe Tree by Jackie Baas, The full Gualala River by Jeanne Jackson.

This was published in the Independent Coast Observer 3/5/15, but without the photos. I so hope Dr. Edmunds will choose the Conservation Fund, thus leaving a lasting, wonderful legacy on the Mendonoma Coast.

Peter Baye and Will Ericson were exploring the newly exposed river bed of the Gualala River when they spotted a juvenile Western Pond Turtle.

A juvenile Western Pond Turtle by Peter Baye Western Pond turtle in Gualala River by Peter Baye

This is the first juvenile that Peter has seen in quite some time, good news as these turtle are on the endangered species list.

Western Pond Turtles favor a habitat with boulders and logs where they can sun themselves. They are very wary of people. Peter tells me he is usually made aware of one of these turtles' presence by hearing the sound of the turtle disappearing into the water. This little guy must have wondered what happened to the water. It was walking across the newly exposed stream bed when Peter and Will noticed it.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photos with you here. May there be many more juvenile Pond Turtles in the Gualala River!