Rick and Teresa Denniston hiked the Salal Trail, one of the public access trails on The Sea Ranch. When they reached the beach, they found this big piece of driftwood perched up on a rock against the bluff.
Rick also photographed a group of Harbor Seals hauled out on the sandbar of the Gualala River last Saturday. He took these photos from his home overlooking the river. In the first photo the seals are at the bottom right. The following photo is a closeup.
The Dennistons rent out their beautiful home, which is called Serendipity - here is the link. http://rentals.coastinghome.com/rns/property/Serendipit.aspx
Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photos with you here. More storms are lined up to hit the coast, beginning tonight. Batten down the hatches!