Tag Archives: Gualala River

The storms have been rearranging the sandbar of the Gualala River. Theresa Slaman photographed the very full Gualala River flowing into the Pacific Ocean under a stormy sky. The sandbar has been flattened out - at least for a while!

Thanks to Theresa for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Today was sunny but quite cool. The temp early this morning was 38 degrees - that's cold for the coast! Okay, I can hear some of you laughing at me. 38 might be warm for some of you!

On this New Year's Eve, I send you my best wishes for a wonderful 2025. May these Nature sightings continue to bring us joy.

Perry Hoffman was down at the Gualala Point Regional Park for this recent sunset. Perry said no one else was on the beach, just him, a couple of Harbor Seals and quite a few Gulls.

It doesn't get much more beautiful than this!

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photo with you. To see much more of Perry's art and photographs, here is the link to  his website: https://magentaraven.com/

Our clear, calm weather is coming to an end for a while, and clouds are beginning to pour in. Rain is on the way!

Eric Zetterholm took this photo at the Gualala River. I wonder what the two Bald Eagles are thinking! They have interesting looks on their faces.

If you can think of a good title, post here or send an email to: mendonomasightings@gmail.com.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Another sunny, windless day on the beautiful Mendonoma Coast. There was a green flash at sunset last night and there could be another tonight!

Ron Bolander was down at the Gualala River when he saw this beautiful Great Blue Heron. He got the magic moment when the heron was about to lift off. And the photo Eric Zetterholm took of the heron looking right at him makes me laugh.


Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Ron and Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

ah, the sunshine today feels so good after all the rain. We got another 0.69 inches yesterday, Monday, for a total of 21.95 season to date. Today the clouds slipped south and sunshine ruled the day.

It's no surprise the Gualala River would be flowing quickly into the Pacific Ocean. We've had a ton (almost) of rain this past week. Thursday morning found the mouth open and a very muddy river. Karen Wilkinson photographed the sight.

A big sandbar "closes" the river to the ocean when the spring rains are done. Any Steelhead in the river are trapped in luxury! When the autumn or winter rains have fallen, the lagoon fills up like a bathtub with a plug. The river floods into its floodplain. With enough rain, and perhaps help from the tides, the river bursts through the sandbar. The Steelhead will be propelled out to their next life phase, which is in the ocean. Steelhead waiting to return to the river to spawn can now do so.

Thanks to Karen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It rained pretty steady for most of today, Monday. Rain total since last Wednesday is a hefty 17.71 inches. Yikes!