Tag Archives: Gualala River

Gaily Jackson enjoys exploring along the Gualala River. Two weeks ago she photographed a bird that was difficult to identify, until Ron LeValley let us know it was a juvenile Black-crowned Night-Heron.

Gaily got several nice photos of this beautiful bird. The first one below shows a larger Great Blue Heron on the left side.

Then late last week, Gaily found an adult and got this photo.

It's nice to see these Night-Herons here.

Thanks to Gaily for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see much more of her nature photography, here is the link to her website: http://gailyimages.com/

We had a very strange wind event here late yesterday afternoon. Chris McManus, the editor of the Independent Coast Observer, is researching the phenomenon and I hope to tell you more about it later this week. Today is bright sun and cool temps!

Eric Zetterholm photographed this Gray Whale very close to the surf break at the sandbar by the Gualala River. Two beach walkers had an up-close-and-personal experience that day!

Here's a second look.

Whale expert, Scott Mercer, says this is a subadult Gray Whale. We have a small group of young Gray Whales that did not migrate, and we are know seeing them 12 months of the year.

Yesterday, Scott and Tree Mercer saw two Blue Whales, and I may have seen those Blues later in the afternoon. I saw a super tall spout quite a ways out, and the spout lingered. Sounds like a Blue Whale to me. Closer in there was a pod of at least four whales, perhaps Humpbacks. Lots of wonderful whale sightings lately.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Breeze picked up today, making whale spouts almost impossible to see! Warmer weather ahead.

River Otters thrive on the Mendonoma coast. They can't abide pollution, so it speaks well of the rivers, creeks and ocean. Eric Zetterholm recently spotted a group of six River Otters in the Gualala River. In the first photo it looks like the one River Otter is looking back at Eric!

River Otters, while very cute, are quite feisty. It's best to watch from a distance and to leash your dog if you find one on a beach. River Otters are comfortable in rivers, creeks, the ocean, and on land. Once a River Otter crossed Highway One in Gualala, something that doesn't happen often.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It's HOT on the coast today. We melt when it goes above 80 degrees. It's 95 degrees on our deck in Anchor this afternoon. Too hot!

Several coast residents saw these six Great Egrets fly overhead, one at The Sea Ranch and one north of Gualala. Eric Zetterholm photographed them. For some reason, we don't usually see a large group of Great Egrets flying by.

Earlier Eric found them by the Gualala River. In this next photo he shows the larger Great Egrets with a smaller Snowy Egret between them.

Here's a favorite photo of a Great Egret taken by Bob Rutemoeller.  You can see how much of the bird's wings are feathers!

Thanks to Eric and Bob for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

After two small storms (Monday's brought .20 inches and Wednesday's brought .25 inches), we are back to sunny, breezy weather. It was sure nice to get the early rain.


One of the two Bald Eagles that make the Gualala River area their home arrived at the beach at Gualala Point Regional Park. Here's the before photo - lots of Brown Pelicans and Gulls, some on the sandbar and some in the river. You can also see a new driftwood sculpture in the shape of a teepee.

Then the bad boy or girl arrives.

Where is everybody? Just one Bald Eagle surveying his/her domain.

Thanks to Eric Zetterholm for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Stunningly beautiful weather here on the Mendonoma Coast today.