Tag Archives: Gualala River

Rick and Teresa Denniston saw this Bald Eagle perched on a branch from their home in Gualala, Serendipity. I presume this is the male, as the female should be tending to her nest and eggs now. Perhaps her eggs have hatched! We wish we knew, but the nest is somewhere in the Gualala River watershed. You might need wings to get to it!

Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photo with you here. The Denniston's beautiful home overlooking the Gualala River and Pacific Ocean is available for rental via Coasting Homes. Here's the website to see Serendipity: https://www.coastinghome.com/rns/vacation-rental/gualala/ca/serendipity  When I had a major power outage (11 days!) several years ago, and I ran out of propane for my generator, they offered to let me stay at their place. It was such a gift, in more ways the one.

We are having a stormy period. Today, Friday, was filled with downpours, bright sunshine, lightning and thunder, and more downpours. As of this morning, we received 2.41 inches, bringing the season total to 56.73. A good, wet winter!

The Serge (pronounced ser-gay), a ceremonial hitching post, sits beautifully in a meadow at Gualala Point Regional Park. Loch Michie used the Serge to frame the then closed Gualala River with the town of Gualala to the right and the Pacific Ocean to the left. Just beautiful!

Thanks to Loch for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Today is near perfection, weather-wise! No wind, sunny skies, and temps in the low 70's. We know it won't last, as rain will be moving back in late Saturday. But for today, the living is easy!

Tim wrote, "This young Gray Whale was seen Saturday morning 2/8 near the mouth of the Gualala River, bobbing up and down in the surf.  He later worked his way south along the bar, coming as close as 30-40 feet from the beach, giving onlookers a memorable show."

Others saw this whale too. He/she didn't appear to be foraging for food; he/she appeared to be frolicking! Oh, I wish I had been there to see this wonderful visit.

Thanks to Tim for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It's cloudy today, and we have some rain coming in later tonight. The storms on Feb. 12 and 13 brought us 2.07 inches of rain. The season to date is 52.31 inches!  A nice wet winter is usually around 50 inches at our place in Anchor Bay, so we are doing great this year.

Perry Hoffman was at the Gualala River when he saw this beautiful Bald Eagle right near the river's edge.

Then the Bald Eagle - I think this is the female of the Gualala River pair - bent over for a drink.

What a treat it is to have Bald Eagles back on the Mendonoma Coast. And they continue to expand their territory northward.

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Perry's artwork, here is the link to his website: https://magentaraven.com/

Clouds have been pouring in. A big storm is expected, especially overnight. Batten down the hatches!

Eileen Kallaway found a special frog near her Sea Ranch home. She wrote, “This Red-legged Frog lives under our porch at the north end of Sea Ranch, by the 9th hole golf course and not far from Salal trail. I have seen him twice out at night in the pouring rain! A person on Sea Ranch Facebook said it is an endangered species!!

I read that the California Red-legged Frog has disappeared from an estimated 70% of its original range. It is now listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and has been identified as a California species of special concern. One cause of this decline is habitat loss, however introduced and invasive species like the American bullfrog have also contributed. It is illegal to harm or harass them. Here's another look at this frog only found in California. This photo was taken by Roberta Chan and the rare frog was alongside the Gualala River.

Thanks to Eileen and to Roberta for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Clouds, fog, sunshine and cool temps - a little bit of a mix today!