Tag Archives: Gualala Point Regional Park

Irene Leidner is in charge of the volunteers who staff the Visitors Center Friday through  Monday. She needs more volunteers!

Irene encourages you to take a break from the news and enjoy welcoming visitors to this beautiful park.

For three hours a month you receive an annual pass! Unlimited access to one of the best parks around, 365 days a year! What a deal.

And the scenery is a side benefit. Call Irene at 707 884-9218 to sign up.

To learn more about Gualala Point Regional Park, here is the link: http://parks.sonomacounty.ca.gov/Visit/Gualala-Point-Regional-Park/

Gail Jackson (no relation!) photographed a lone Cedar Waxwing working on one of two apples still hanging from a tree. It's amazing that these two apples survived all the winter storms and are now providing food for this beautiful bird. Here I think the Waxwing is say, "That's my apple!"

The last of Gail's photos shows the magnificent coloring of this Cedar Waxwing.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photos with  you here.

Rick and I just got back from a benefit walk for Coastal Seniors' Meals on Wheels, a most worthy charity. It was at Gualala Point Regional Park and the weather was perfect. The waves were enormous, crashing onto the beach with the form reaching the bluff edges. A great day for a great event! To learn more about Coastal Seniors, or to get involved, here is their link: https://www.coastalseniors.org/

With a big storm coming in for the first day of February, the last day of January cried out for a walk on the bluffs. That's exactly what Rick and I did, along with our golden retriever, Duffy. Watching from the bluffs, the waves crashing on the beach at Gualala Point Regional Park were amazing to behold.

The ocean will give you clues a storm is on the way. Here is a video of today's action.

Big waves ahead of Friday's storm by Jeanne Jackson

Gualala Point Regional Park is a coastal treasure. Residents and visitors alike enjoy exploring all it has to offer. To learn more, here is a link to the park: http://parks.sonomacounty.ca.gov/Visit/Gualala-Point-Regional-Park/

With the Serge, a ceremonial hitching post structure, in the foreground, the sunset is beautifully framed behind it. Paul Brewer captured this lovely sight.

Gualala Point Regional Park is such a treasure. The Gualala River is just to the north of the park, and the town of Gualala just north of the river.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

It's a beautiful, cool day here today, with lots of visitors celebrating the Labor Day holiday.

Harbor Seal pups are being born on secluded beaches. While the mothers are busy with their sweet pups, it looks like the males were hanging out together at Gualala Point Regional Park.

Mark Hancock wrote, “Laverne and I went for a hike, hoping to see the Bald eagles – we didn’t, Gray Whales – we did, and walk the beach to the river mouth.

“We were delighted to see 40 Harbor Seals hauled out on the north end of the river mouth, or in the river itself, so we laid out our picnic on the south bank and watched the seals. One of the bigger ones was unhappy that ‘his’ spot was occupied, and he chased the occupant away and into the river.

“We were particularly amused by how the Harbor Seals raised their head and tails when the waves came over the top of the beach and flowed down through where they were laid out.”

Here's two favorite photos of Harbor Seals, both taken by Robert Scarola a few years ago. The first shows a seal managing not to get swept off the rock by the surf. The second shows what bliss it is to be on the Mendonoma coast!

Thanks to Mark and Robert for allowing me to share their photos with you here.