Tag Archives: Gualala Point Regional Park

There is a mated pair of Bald Eagles who have claimed the Gualala River area as their home. We believe they had one successful chick last year, and this year it appears they have two! Gaily Jackson recently photographed the young eagles at Gualala Point Regional Park.

There's more to this story as a Peregrine Falcon came and harassed them. Gaily got some amazing photos which I will share tomorrow. Here's a preview though - it's the mother Bald Eagle, who was perched nearby her offspring, snarling at the Peregrine!

Thanks to Gaily for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see more of Gaily's nature photography, here is her website: http://gailyimages.com/

The fog lifted early this morning and we have oh-so-blue skies today.

Gaily Jackson was at Gualala Point Regional Park when she saw this Osprey looking for a meal in the Gualala River. She caught the moment when the Osprey spotted a fish.

Ospreys plunge into the water with their talons first in. Here Gaily has photographed the Osprey catching a fish.

Then the successful fisher takes flight with its meal, a Steelhead.

Ospreys are also called Sea Hawks.

Thanks to Gaily for allowing me to share  her photos with you here. To see much more of her nature photography, here is Gaily's website: http://gailyimages.com/

We are having a beautiful day here today, a memorable day for Memorial Day!

There is a nest at Gualala Point Regional Park with several newly-hatched White-crowned Sparrows. Craig Tooley didn't want to disturb the nest, but he did find one of the parents bringing an insect back to the nest.

Park ranger Roberta Chan cordoned off the area where the nest is. The chicks should fledge soon but in the meantime, don't disturb the little ones in their nest! Karen Wilkinson took the photo of the nest area.

Thanks to Craig and Karen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's a sunny, warm, breezy day here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Gualala Point Regional Park is at the northernmost corner of the Sonoma coast. It's a true gem, with a beautiful beach, the Gualala River alongside, meadows and bluffs. Gaily Jackson visited and took these photos. First she found a fledgling American Robin. The young bird might have taken its first flight and then landed on the ground.

And this Great Blue Heron, so beautiful in the air.

Then she witnessed five Great Blue Herons and a Great Egret along the Gualala River. You can see the town of Gualala behind them.

Thanks to Gaily for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see more of her nature photography, here is her website: http://gailyimages.com/

It was very foggy and cold this morning, but the sun has since been revealed - at least in Anchor Bay!

It's a treat to see a White-tailed Kite hovering in the air as she searches for a tasty rodent. Allen Vinson recently photographed a beautiful kite against an oh-so-blue sky.

These small raptors are year-round residents of the West Coast. Look for them in grassy meadows. I've seen them at Gualala Point Regional Park, a great place to see wildlife.

The calls of White-tailed Kites are rather soft. You can listen to them at this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/White-tailed_Kite/sounds

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Allen's nature photography, here is the link: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

It's another sunny, warm, breezy day on the Mendonoma Coast today!