Tag Archives: Gualala Point Regional Park

Western Azaleas are so beautiful and their bloom lasts for a while. Add in the lovely fragrance and all will be well!

Sheri found these azaleas along the Salal Trail, which begins at Gualala Point Regional Park. Here is a link to a blog post I did some time ago showing you how to find this trail: https://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/01/30/how-to-find-the-salal-trail-a-hidden-gem-of-a-trail-on-the-sea-ranch/

Thanks to Sheri for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's warm and breezy today on the coast!


The pair of Bald Eagles has returned and are involved with courtship and mating now. Ron Bolander was at Gualala Point Regional Park when he took this photo of a Bald Eagle soaring near the Gualala River.

What a beautiful blue sky in Ron's photo!

Rozanne Rapozo photographed one of the Bald Eagles as it landed on a snag in the river. Magnificent!

Thanks to Ron and Rozanne for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We have a big storm coming in, which is to start in the wee hours of Saturday and continue all day. I'll report rain totals after the storm. We might receive a couple of inches of the wet stuff!

Rozanne Rapozo went to Gualala Point Regional Park on Saturday and photographed one of the big waves coming in.

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Tomorrow I will end the year with some beautiful rainbow photos. I did see a rainbow this morning, always a gift.

The Pacific Ocean is roaring today. The storm has moved on and we have several days of dry weather. This week's storms brought 4.15 inches of rain at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Season to date is 18.43 inches!

Rozanne Rapozo was at Gualala Point Regional Park with several other coast photographers when they heard the angry calls of two Common Ravens. The ravens chased a Red-tailed Hawk off its roost and into the air. Rozanne was ready with her camera and captured some of the action as the ravens continued to try and bully the raven out of "their" area.

The hawk flew off, leaving the ravens victorious, at least this time.

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Lots of rain blew in, more than predicted. 2.16 inches in my gauge from last night/this morning's drenching rain. A bit of a break this afternoon!


From the storms that began Sunday morning through today, Wednesday, there is 6.35 inches in my rain gauge. Sometime during the night on Monday or early Tuesday, the Gualala River breached the big sandbar and the yearly ritual occurred. Today, Wednesday, I went to the river to check it out. It's runny muddy and strong!

Steelhead, who were trapped in luxury by the sandbar, were swept out to sea to begin their life in the saltwater. Now other steelhead will enter the river to spawn. It's wonderful to be able to watch this river. The first photo was taken from the Gualala Bluff Trail - there are Harbor Seal on the right side sandbar.  The second was taken from Gualala Point Regional Park. The town of Gualala is on the right.

What a series of storms - it just poured. We are lucky that this particular river doesn't have development in its floodplain. I was told the river was very high Monday morning.

Now we have clear weather predicted through Christmas. I'm looking forward to checking the seasonal creek that crosses Rick's and my land and looking for edible mushrooms!