Tag Archives: green flash

I've been trying for years to photograph a green flash so, yes, I am a bit envious. Robert Scarola saw that there was a possibility for a green flash at sunset and was ready with his camera.

 And in the photo below - the green flash!

Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's not easy to photograph the green flash - at least for me! But Rich Kuehn has done it again.

To see a green flash at sunset is always an exciting event. There were several green flashes this past week. It's considered good luck in some cultures to see one. May this photo bring all who see it the best of luck!

Thanks to Rich for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It looked like there would be no possibility of a green flash from the vantage point of Allen Vinson's home on The Sea Ranch last Saturday, July 7. Fog was the order of the day. But the fog lifted just before sunset and Allen caught magic - again - when he photographed the green flash.

You will see in this second photo - a close up - that Allen photographed a double green flash.

And here is what the weather looked like some minutes before - a fog shrouded day.

It's a Mendonoma Coast tradition to always try and watch the sunset. You might catch magic like Allen and witness the phenomenon known as the green flash. And it's real, not a myth!

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

After the rain clouds lifted late Wednesday the sky was beautiful. Rob Diefenbach trained his camera on the sunset and got this green flash.

The same night Carolyn André photographed the sunset. The back story here is - she's never seen the green flash.

Carolyn still hasn't seen the green flash. She didn't know she photographed it until she uploaded the photo. I told her that it normally is easier to SEE a green flash than to photograph one. Too funny.

To see a green flash that turned into something more, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/08/10/a-green-flash-that-turned-into-something-more-as-photographed-by-coastal-photographer-ron-levalley/

Thanks to Carolyn and Rob for allowing me to share their photos with you here!

Best of Show at the recent Gualala River Sightings event was given to Rick Denniston's Deer reflected in the Gualala River. You can see raindrops in the river too.

Best One of a Kind was awarded to Allen Vinson for his green flash photo, which he took at Gualala Point Regional Park. The river greets the Pacific Ocean there.
Congratulations to Rick and Allen for their award winning photos!