Tag Archives: green flash

I was photographing the setting sun with my iPhone. There was an interesting cloud slowing moving in from the south. Here's what it looked like when the sun set.

Since the horizon was so clear, I was watching for a green flash, and there was a beautiful one. I wish my photo showed it better, but I'm still happy I got some green to show you.

Tonight the horizon is very clear so there could be another green flash! No clouds today and warm weather moved in. Quite warm! 79 degrees warm! It's pretty strange for January though.

Yesterday we had the first storm, which brought 1.94 inches of rain. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the color in the sky. I don't believe I've seen the sky look quite like this before.

The colors intensified for a minute as the sun began to sink below the horizon. I saw a green flash for a second or two. I caught a hint of it in the photo below.

At 4 pm on Sunday, we've had a little over 0.90 inches and it's still raining. My season to date roared past 41 inches yesterday. 50 inches is a "normal" wet winter at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Hooray!

This photo from Allan Hogle made me laugh. The sun is setting while he is waiting to get through the construction project on Highway One. All of a sudden the two lights turn green at the moment the sun is setting...a unique, double green flash!

Here's a photo of a more traditional green flash taken a while ago by Allen Vinson.

Thanks to Allan and Allen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's quite overcast today and oddly warm - temps in the low 70's. Rain is in our forecast for the weekend. More Boletus edulis have been found and the first Chanterelles too. Hooray!

To see a green flash is said to bring you good luck. May seeing Shari Goforth-Eby's photo of a recent green flash do just that!

A basket full of of wonderfully edible Golden Chanterelles, as found and photographed by Alex Kun, is the perfect addition to a holiday meal.

And while we've had sunny, dry weather for some days now, we long for more rain. Here's rain showers over the Pacific Ocean as photographed by Grace O'Malley.

You can see we do have much to be thankful for!

Thanks to Shari, Alex and Grace for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Sunny and mild today!


Autumn is a good time to hopefully see a green flash at sunset. Last week Anne Mary Schaefer photographed one.

Yes, I'm jealous, as I've never managed to photograph a green flash, though I've seen many of them. Congrats to Anne Mary for a nice capture!

Thanks to Anne Mary for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Anne Mary is a professional photographer, specializing in pet photography. Here is the link to her website: https://www.pawpawrazzipetphotography.com/ I can personally attest to her great talent, as she has photographed my husband, Rick, and me with our first two rescue golden retrievers.

Today is a warm, dry day, though there is fog hovering over the ocean. We've had quite a long string of dry weather after the abundance of early rain. It's time to turn the rain spigot on again!