Tag Archives: Great Egret

Carolyn André spotted what she deemed a male Great Blue Heron and a female Great Egret. I'll let Carolyn tell the story.  “So they start off like this, couldn’t be bothered to even look at each other. He’s busy looking the other way, but they keep turning to look at each other.

Great Blue Heron ignoring a Great Egret by Carolyn André

“Then she gets mad and starts walking his way – quickly.

Great Egret headed towards a Great Blue Heron by Carolyn André

"So he turns around and starts walking towards her. Then she stops, so he stops. And they’re still out there ignoring each other.”

The two species of birds usually avoid each other in order not to compete for food.

Thanks to Carolyn for a fun story, and for allowing me to share her photos with you here.


Bob Rutemoeller noticed two Great Egrets at the Gualala River recently. One of them he was able to get relatively close to, and he got some wonderful photos. The first photo shows the Egret's reflection in river.

Great Egret reflected in the Gualala River by Bob Rutemoeller Great Egret 2 by Bob Rutemoeller Great Egret 3 by Bob Rutemoeller

And then the Great Egret did a flyby right over Bob and he got these beautiful photos.

Thanks to Bob for allowing me to share these photos with  you here.

Great Egrets will eat many things, including small mammals. Mike Mee photographed this Egret on The Sea Ranch capturing a Western Skink, a type of lizard, for its dinner.

I thank Mike for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

 If you'd like to see what a Western Skink looks like, here's a prior post on this site: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/17/western-skink-is-not-singing-the-blues/

Betty Bailey captured a moment of serenity on The Sea Ranch - a Great Blue Heron in the foreground and a Great Egret in the back. They eat fish but also mice and other small rodents. Perhaps that is what they were looking for in that meadow. Thanks to Betty for allowing me to share her photo.