Tag Archives: Great Blue Heron

Betsy Anderson photographed a graceful Great Blue Heron at the moment he/she lifted off, a glorious sight indeed. Just look at those big wings!

Great Blue Herons can be seen fishing with their beaks. They also hunt rodents, such as gophers, in grassy meadows. In flight, these herons tuck in their necks, and their legs trail behind. Sara Bogard photographed one in flight for us to see.

Thanks to Betsy and Sara for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Fog has cooled off the immediate coast, though I'm in sun here in Anchor Bay. It's a pretty Spring day on the Mendonoma Coast.

Sara Bogard noticed this Great Blue Heron posing at the Point Arena Lighthouse. They are such beautiful birds!

One of my all-time favorite photos of a Great Blue Heron was taken by Paul Brewer. Paul photographed the heron as he/she was taking flight.

Another favorite photo is by Gordon Stitt - a Great Blue Heron and the Point Arena Lighthouse, along with crashing waves.

Thanks to Sara, Paul and Gordon for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

The Pacific Ocean has been crashing today, perhaps telling us of changes ahead. For now, the weather has been spectacular.

Sometimes the pure loveliness of seeing a Great Egret land near you can fill you with happiness. Rick Denniston recently witnessed such a sight.

Great Egrets are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

Other year round residents are Great Blue Herons. Sara Bogard recently photographed one just taking flight.

Thanks to Rick and Sara for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Sunny, breezy and warm here today. Hot weather coming in for a few days.

Gualala Point Regional Park is at the northernmost corner of the Sonoma coast. It's a true gem, with a beautiful beach, the Gualala River alongside, meadows and bluffs. Gaily Jackson visited and took these photos. First she found a fledgling American Robin. The young bird might have taken its first flight and then landed on the ground.

And this Great Blue Heron, so beautiful in the air.

Then she witnessed five Great Blue Herons and a Great Egret along the Gualala River. You can see the town of Gualala behind them.

Thanks to Gaily for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see more of her nature photography, here is her website: http://gailyimages.com/

It was very foggy and cold this morning, but the sun has since been revealed - at least in Anchor Bay!

Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. They have a varied diet, which includes small rodents and fish. Ron Bolander photographed one that had just found dinner.

Just look at the beautiful scene with the Pacific Ocean in the background!

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Lots and lots of wind today to go with the sunny skies.

Spring doesn't know...