Tag Archives: Great Blue Heron

Karen Wilkinson found this Great Blue Heron, and he/she was apparently looking at her.

I wondered if the Heron was laughing at her. But Karen disabused my whimsy. She said she thinks the Heron was actually hacking up a feather!

Here's one of my favorite photos of a Great Blue Heron taking off, by Betsy Anderson

And here is a Great Blue Heron cloud, as photographed by Marilyn Green.

Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Karen, Betsy and Marilyn for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Oh boy, we're having a big, fat, wet storm. Two inches so far, and it's raining as I type this!

I had to laugh at Jon Shiu's photo. It looks like the Great Blue Heron is chastising the Raven.

Common Ravens and GBH's are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

There was .50 inches in my rain gauge from last night, 49.50 season to date. It's a wait-five-minutes type of day - sunshine, hail, sunshine, rain - and it's only 41 degrees early this afternoon.


Marilyn Green photographed this cloud formation recently and she sees a Great Blue Heron on the top. I agree.

Here's a recent photo of an actual GBH, taken by Sara Bogard out near the Point Arena Lighthouse. Notice that the heron has a scar on his or her right wing. Sara said it looked healed up so it happened some time ago.

Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast, and sometimes they are even seen in the clouds!

Thanks to Marilyn and Sara for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We've had lots more rain overnight and it's raining this afternoon as I type this post. The seasonal creek that crosses Rick's and my land is doing its best imitation of a mighty river right now.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

John Wall’s dog, Dash, points out nature sightings. A few weeks ago, Dash found a Vole.

John wrote, “Everyone has seen a Vole hole, but not that many have seen a whole Vole! Dash wanted to share this sighting with you since he spotted one of our little friends sunning himself along our way. And we told the Vole, ‘Bud, you’re gonna be lunch for a heron or something if you stay out here like this!’ So we gently herded him back into his hole!” Voles are small rodents and are related to lemmings and hamsters. They are sometimes called meadow mice.

And wouldn't you know it, a few days later John photographed a Great Blue Heron with a Vole in its beak. I wonder if it was the same Vole!

And here on a recent sunny day, Dash is contemplating the cosmos...and the Pacific Ocean. What a dog!

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Rain is predicted for tonight, and some dark clouds passed by earlier. But this afternoon the sun broke through, temps in the low 50's. Humpback Whales were seen off Point Arena this morning, six or seven!

I love seeing these beautiful birds. Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. Perry Hoffman recently photographed one on the bluffs at the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands.

What a lovely photo!

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We had a vigorous storm come in overnight. There was 1.9 inches of rain in my gauge, and now we've had 10.7 inches season to date! It's cold today, in the low 40's. Lots of clouds dancing across the sky with intermittent sunshine - absolutely stunning!