Tag Archives: Gray Whale calf breaching

Shari Goforth-Eby was at the Point Arena Lighthouse Peninsula when she spotted some rippling on the ocean. It was the first clue Gray Whales were approaching. As she watched, the calf breached and then breached ten more times. Yes! Ten. More. Times!

I wish I had seen that. But fortunately for us, Shari got this great photo of one of the breaches. Thanks to Shari for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

This is the time to see Gray Whales mothers and calves, but we've had a lot of fog. Today was no different but the fog did recede in the afternoon.


There were some 1,500 Gray whale calves born this year off of Baja California. The mother/calf pairs are passing by now, and will continue well into June. Gail Eddy was ready with her camera when a Gray Whale calf breached.

Gray Whale calf breaching by Gail EddyA Gray Whale mother will only have one calf per year. They are swimming northward now, heading to their feeding grounds in the Bering Sea. To see them brings many of us great joy.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Paul Brewer has been photographing the northward migration of mother Gray Whales with their calves. They have really be putting on a show! This first photo was taken Wednesday, May 21st. A Gray Whale calf breaches - always a breathtaking moment.

Breaching Gray Whale calf 5.22.14 by Paul Brewer

Several days earlier Paul took these photos.

Whale Migration-Calf by Paul Brewer Whale Migration-Gray Whale calf breaches by Paul Brewer

In the photo above you can see the mother Gray Whale in the foreground with her calf breaching.

Many thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his spectacular photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/