Tag Archives: Gray Fox Kit

I can't resist sharing one last photo by Kathy Bishop of a cute Gray Fox Kit lounging in the sun.

This little fox is exemplifying the Sea Ranch motto of living lightly on the land.

We are having a heat wave on the Mendonoma Coast. With no fog on the horizon there was a beautiful green flash last night a sunset. Tonight should be another great chance to see this phenomenon.

To see a photo of a green flash, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/02/07/the-green-flash-was-photographed-by-richard-kuehn/

Thanks to Kathy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Kathy Bishop photographed a family of three Gray Fox Kits recently. In this photo it looks as if the young fox is smiling.

And below is another one of the kits, looking as if it just heard or saw something of interest.

Gray Foxes are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. They are great rodent hunters and especially love Gophers.

Thanks to Kathy for allowing me to share her photos with you here.


Craig Tooley and Rita Peck had several days this week to enjoy a family of Gray Foxes near their home on The Sea Ranch. Frequent readers of this blog will know that Craig got some great photographs. Below is a photo of a young Fox Kit.

 And here Craig captured the mother Gray Fox nursing several of her young ones.

 And this Fox Kit decided to go for a different approach - nursing in comfort on its back!

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos here. To see more of Craig's Coast photographs, here's the link to his web site: http://ruffimage.com/

And to see several more photos of Fox Kits on this site, here are the links: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/31/two-photos-of-gray-fox-kits-by-coastal-photographer-craig-tooley/


We share the Mendonoma Coast with the beautiful Gray Fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus. They are often photographed hunting in the open meadows of The Sea Ranch. And that is where Hal Fogel photographed this Gray Fox. Thanks to Hal for kindly allowing me to share his photos with you.

Something caught this Gray Fox's attention!

Fun fact: Gray Foxes are monogamous. Their kits are some of the cutest critters you could hope to see. Here's a link to see Craig Tooley's photo of two Fox kits. http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/31/two-photos-of-gray-fox-kits-by-coastal-photographer-craig-tooley/

Kathryn Hile was very lucky to have a Gray Fox family take up residence in the courtyard of her Sea Ranch home. It sure gave her numerous chances to make photographic magic. She has shared two charming photos with us.

The first photo is of the Mother Fox with her kits in Kathryn's driveway.

And the photo below is the Dad. He was on Kathryn's porch railing the night the parents let the kits out of the courtyard for the first time. Kathryn said, "He was guarding the front door to make sure I didn't go outside to disturb them."

Thanks to Kathryn for allowing me to share her cute photos! Here's a link to several other of Kathryn's photos of this Gray Fox family: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/02/gray-fox-kits-are-being-born-now-on-the-beautiful-mendonoma-coast/