Julia Faucett was visited by a Gray Fox. She wrote, “This little guy has been hanging around our property on The Sea Ranch, but then showed up on the birdbath! We caught him on camera, along with a few other visitors (e.g. Acorn Woodpeckers, Scrub Jays, and a giant Raven). Thought you might like him, he is pretty cute, especially with his tongue hanging out.”

Julia wondered if this Gray Fox was born earlier this year. Most Gray Fox kits arrive in late May, June and into July. They are full grown after six months, so it’s very possible this fox was a kit from 2023.
Thanks to Julia for allowing me to share her photos with you here.
It's sunny, breezy and beautiful here on the Mendonoma Coast today. I checked the huckleberries on Rick's and my property and the rain only enhanced them. Oh, the abundance of the huckleberries - which are wild blueberries - is simply amazing this year!