There are many good reasons not to leave a rope, or any kind of line, dangling in a tree or bush. Birds can get entangled. Several weeks ago Gary Hopkins photographed a beautiful Great-horned Owl hanging by a wing in a tree, ensnarled in a rope.
Diane Hichwa tells the story. “Gary Hopkins had family visiting. They saw the owl fly past Friday night. Saturday afternoon as they drove on Moonraker Road on The Sea Ranch they saw a Great-horned Owl caught by a rope in a tree! They got a ladder, gloves, blanket and headed down the steep hill. It took a while to get the rope and the bird down. Then it took a long while to unwrap the multiple wraps of rope around the owl’s wrists.”
Diane [center], Gary Hopkins [front] and Rick Hansen [rear] helped with the rescue. This photo was taken by Bryant Hichwa

The owl was transported to Bird Rescue in Santa Rosa, where she was described as “feisty.” The theory about the rope is that ropes were being used to pull power lines just below the tree. One obviously was left behind. The area was thoroughly checked to make sure no rope was left behind to endanger wildlife. Thanks to everyone who helped this owl!
Thanks to Gary and Bryant for allowing me to share their photos with you here.