Tag Archives: Gail Jackson

We have had some spectacular sunsets the past several months, and that trend is continuing when it's not storming. Recently Gail Jackson took this photo of another beautiful sunset as a storm was moving out.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's cloudy and cool here this afternoon, though we had some sun earlier!

Gail Jackson photographed this tranquil scene. Western Gulls, California Gulls and more were resting on a local beach.

And then a Peregrine Falcon arrives, undoubtedly looking for a meal.

All the Gulls weren't sleeping, though, and they all launched into the air.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see much more of Gail's nature photography, here is her website: https://gailyimages.com/

It was sunny and cool this morning, but clouds are moving in this afternoon. Rain is predicted for Wednesday.

Gail Jackson photographed what we think is a young Coyote. See if you can spot him or her in Gail's photo.

I wonder how Gail knew a Coyote was in the brush! Here's a close-up of the Coyote.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see much more of Gail's nature photography, here is the link to her website: https://gailyimages.com/

It's stormy on the Mendonoma Coast today! I bet the mushrooms are loving the rain.

Gail Jackson [no relation!] wrote, "These two were across the highway from the Ross Creek Loop in Point Arena.  I first spotted the coyote on the hill, then Odin and Hugh (my sons), pointed out that there was something else on the hillside, possibly baby coyotes. After looking through my telephoto lens I could see it wasn’t coyote pups, but it was a bobcat with prey! Whoa! And the coyote was heading straight for it."

"The coyote appeared to be larger than the bobcat, but it didn’t get too close. It came down the hill and then shortly afterwards it decided to go back up the hill. The Bobcat held the prey in its mouth and arched its back to look as tall as it could."

"It all happened pretty quick. I was glad that the two didn’t fight over the food."

In this last photo, the Bobcat might be saying, "It's mine, all mine!"

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photos with  you here. To see much more of this award-winning nature photographer's work, here is the link to her website:  https://gailyimages.com/

Another spectacular autumn day on the Mendonoma Coast. The ocean is imitating a lake. I saw whale spouts at sunset last night, mostly likely Humpback Whales who have been feeding off our coast.

Don't get close to the bluff edge, especially after all the rain we've had here on the Mendonoma Coast. Roxanne Holmes didn't get wet with this crashing wave, but it was a close call! You can see a big wave forming behind this crashing wave.

Gail Jackson went to the Gualala Bluff Trail and got these photos.

It's pretty thrilling to observe the power of the ocean at moments like these.

Thanks to Roxanne and Gail for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's raining as I type this. So far this season I've recorded 37.15 inches. 50 inches total is a normal winter, to give  you perspective. I'm on day eight of no power, and I've run out of propane for my generator. But I'm getting help to keep the generator on for short periods of time with 5 gallon propane cylinders. Wood stove is going, and a certain kitty I adopted loves laying in front of that stove. Many others here on the coast are in a similar predicament. We help each other as we can, and we smile through the experience...because, really, what else can you do?