Tag Archives: full moon

The full moon of May 5/May6 was the closest to the earth it will be in 2012. This is called perigee, a once a year cosmic event. I arose before the dawn on Sunday to take a few photos of the Supermoon. I was hoping to get a photo of it sinking into the horizon but there were clouds that obscured that view. But what I saw was lovely nonetheless.

 A view of the Supermoon through Bishop Pines Trees off of front deck

The weather has turned warm on the beautiful Mendonoma Coast. As I sat outside on our deck in Anchor Bay, watching the moon set, I heard the first calls of a Swainson's Thrush. The beauty of its seemingly ever-ascending trills was in counterpoint to the murmurings of the Pacific Ocean. The occasional bark of a Sea Lion from Fish Rocks added to the moment. I was happy the Supermoon got me out of bed and into the softness of the dawn.

Last night's nearly full moon shone like a beacon in the cold, clear night sky on the Mendonoma Coast. The full moon tonight should be just as bright as there isn't a cloud in the sky today. Exactly one month ago Joni Goshorn got a lovely photo of  February's full moon with a raptor in a tree.

Thanks to Joni for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

On a trip back up Highway One last week, the moon, in all its autumnal glory, was just making an appearance over the ridge near the Jenner Grade in Sonoma County. It was dusk when Rick pulled over so I could take this photo. Yes, the rest of our drive home was in the dark but the beautiful moon was a silent companion.


This is what the early morning sunrise looked like with the full moon setting as Rick and I watched. To start the day with such beauty is a joy.

Our golden retriever wasn't as impressed. Huckleberry was entirely too relaxed to care about the sunrise.


This morning's sunrise was particularly beautiful with the full moon slowly setting in the west. A few stray clouds leftover from yesterday's storm can be seen drifting in the sky. The oh-so-blue Pacific Ocean completes this portrait of a lovely Mendocino Coast morning.