Rozanne Rapozo goes the extra mile to get her photo of the Supermoon. She wrote, "I’ve been watching the movement of the Moon over the last month hoping when it was full, it would line up with either Gualala Point Island or Fish Rock. Never got past 297 degrees so I thought the best chance to get the shot would be GPI. Got up around 4:15am and set out to meet Chris Beach at the north end of Sea Ranch to wait for the Moon to set. Almost got the shot we both had envisioned but the billowy clouds had a different idea! They moved in just as the Moon was beginning to set."

"Oh well, to steal a line from an old movie maybe we’ll try it the ‘same time next year.’”
I love Rozanne's photo and I bet you will enjoy it too. Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.
Are you ready for this rain report? The storm began a little after midnight on Wednesday Nov. 20th. It's rained steadily since then. At Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay, 640 feet elevation, by 2:40 pm Thursday Nov. 21st, we've received 12.51 inches. Yes, over a foot of rain and IT'S STILL RAINING! The Gualala River burst through the sandbar and was flowing into the Pacific Ocean this morning. Early this afternoon the Garcia River flooded Highway One. It's pretty wild here - a good day to stay home!