Tag Archives: Four-Eyed Frog Bookstore

I originally presented these photos, more than 140 of them, in late October of last year. It was thrilling to show them on the huge screen at the Gualala Arts Center. So many people told me they couldn't make the October event that I was asked to do a repeat performance. Something new this time: there will be a segment of drone photography showing the beauty of the coastline from a bird's eye perspective.

The Four-eyed Frog will also be there with an array of books on nature and photography.

To learn more, here is the link to the Gualala Arts Center: https://gualalaarts.org/2025/01/mendonoma-sightings-redux/

Hope you can come and by doing so you will be supporting local journalism. We're trying so very hard to save our beloved newspaper, the Independent Coast Observer Community News!


I will be hosting a special Sightings presentation this Sunday, October 27th at the Gualala Arts Center at 4 pm. I'll be showing a slideshow my favorite, most unusual and rarest Sightings photos. This is a fundraiser for the ICO Community News, our local weekly non-profit newspaper where I write my Mendonoma Sightings column. There are no tickets, just bring your donation check made out to the ICOCN. Donation acknowledgement letters will be available.

The Four-Eyed Frog Bookstore folks will be there also. Some of my favorite reference books on nature will be for sale, along with my Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year book, and my four children's books, Sunny Loves Spring (and Summer, Autumn and Winter!) on the California Coast. I'll be happy to inscribe the books after the slideshow.

Hope to see some of you there! Here's a bonus photo - this morning's sunrise taken by me. Another beautiful day on the Mendonoma Coast!

I will be at the Four-eyed Frog Bookstore in Gualala tomorrow, 3/18, for a meet and greet and book signing. If you are on the Mendonoma Coast, please drop by between 11 am and 2 pm. If you've already purchased one of my books and you want it personalized, bring it along - I'll be happy to do so. I love supporting Gualala's Independent Community Owned Bookstore!

Learn more about the Four-eyed Frog Bookstore at this link: https://www.foureyedfrog.com/

It's mild here today with a lot of wispy white clouds overhead. Some lighter rain coming in Saturday night.

Last Sunday there was a 10% chance of rain. We didn't get any rain but it was close. Roxanne Holmes photographed the sight of rain streaming out of the storm clouds but not hitting the ground. It's call virga.

It's sure is beautiful to see. Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

If you are on the Mendonoma Coast this weekend, I'll be doing a meet and greet at the Four-Eyed Frog Bookstore in Gualala. I'd love to meet some of you.

It's cloudy and breezy today, but not so cold. Temps reached 60 degrees this afternoon. But a storm is moving in and it's predicted to rain overnight.

The Pacific Ocean has become more active, presumably from storms to our north. It's fun to hear the ocean speaking louder with its crashing waves. Ron LeValley recently photographed a beautiful wave.

The rain we had several weeks ago has coaxed the first Boletus edulis, King Boletes, to make a welcome appearance. These first ones are being found closer to the bluffs, where fog has contributed to their appearance. Lisa Cracknell found a nice group of them!

Lisa is  holding David Arora's wonderful pocketbook entitled "All That the Rain Promises and More." My copy is well-used - it's the go-to book when out in the forest. David's more comprehensive book is titled "Mushrooms Demystified." I highly recommend them. If you need a copy or either one, please consider purchasing them at the Four-eyed Frog Bookstore in Gualala. https://www.foureyedfrog.com/

Thanks to Ron and to Lisa for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Ron's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://levalleyphoto.com/home/