Tag Archives: forget-me-nots

Craig Tooley was out recently photographing wildflowers. One of them he found is the non-native Forget-me-not.

Craig found two native wildflowers, including Witch's Teeth, Hosakia gracilis.

And lastly a beautiful and rare Monterey Mariposa Lily, Calochortus uniflorus.

Most wildflowers are very small, Mother Nature's way of making sure you are paying attention!

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos with  you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: www.ruffimage.com


The charming blue Forget-me-nots are blooming on the Mendocino and Sonoma Coasts in sunny spots. This wildflower has more than one legend attributed to it but the one I like is this one. A knight and his lady were walking alongside a river when he spotted these lovely flowers on the other side. He lept into the waters, made it to the other side and picked some flowers for his lady love. Alas, when he tried to return the waters swept him away. He just had time to toss the tiny blue flowers to his lady, calling out, "Forget me not!"

Only when the Mendocino Coast receives significant rain does this hidden grotto come to life. With warmer weather to come, this will soon be gone but in its place will be the lovely wildflowers of spring. The first forget-me-nots have begun to bloom.