Tag Archives: fog bow

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Several weeks ago Peggy Berryhill was driving by Jenner when she saw a white arc in the sky - a fog bow.

Rainbows, fog bows, moon bows - they are always a treat to see. Thanks for Peggy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

To see another photo of a fog bow, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/09/17/a-rare-photo-of-a-fog-bow-by-coastal-photographer-siegfried-matull/
And to see a most unusual, unique photo of a cloud falling out of a cloud, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/05/13/rare-cloud-phenomenon-a-cloud-falling-out-of-a-cloud/


Jeff Petit was out in the Pacific Ocean when he noticed this beautiful Fog Bow.

Fog Bows are similar to rainbows. They are formed in fog rather than rain. When they have no color, as in Jeff's photo, they are sometimes called White Rainbows. Pretty cool sight while out on the ocean!

Thanks to Jeff for sharing his photo with us here.

Recently Siegfried and Gretel Matull returned to their Sea Ranch home via Cazadero. That put them at the top of Fort Ross Road. They were above the fog, looking down. And to their wondering eyes they saw what Siegfried called, "a miracle fog bank" with blue sky above it.

What they were seeing was most likely a partial fog bow, also called a cloud bow, a similar phenomena as a rainbow. A fog bow is usually seen from an airplane. The Matulls were in the right place, at the right time! Thanks to Siegfried for allowing me to share this unusual photo.

And to see a very unusual and extremely rare cloud formation, here's the link to A Cloud falling out of a Cloud on this blog: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/05/13/rare-cloud-phenomenon-a-cloud-falling-out-of-a-cloud/