Tag Archives: flying southward

Michael Reinhart photographed a skein of Aleutian Cackling Geese heading south.

Here's a close-up photo Mike got recently.

And Jon Shiu got this video, taken off the Mendocino Headlands, where you can hear them cackling away.

Video of Aleutian Cackling Geese flying south by Jon Shiu

Aleutian Cackling Geese can be confused with Canada Geese but they are quite a bit smaller and have shorter necks that the Canadas. I love hearing them. On calm days, I can hear them at Rick's and my place which is a half mile from the ocean. They usually fly over the ocean, but in stormy weather, they can be a bit inland.

Thanks to Mike and Jon for allowing me to share their photos and video.

It's raining here - hooray! It's a nice, gentle rain with no wind. 0.43 inches so far.