Tag Archives: Fish Rocks

Last Thursday morning, Rick and I, along with our golden retriever, Huckleberry, took a hike at Gualala Point Regional Park. It was a breezy day and the fog had pulled back leaving us in sunshine.

This is the view from one of the trails. On the middle right is the Gualala River lagoon. On the bluffs is the town of Gualala. The rocky islands in the middle are Fish Rocks, where a large colony of Sea Lions live.

Something moved in the grasses that caught my eye. When I looked at my photograph, I found I had photographed a Praying Mantis!

Paying attention to things both big and small brings unexpected surprises!

To see one of the most popular photos on this blog, here's the link to Siegfried Matull's photo of a Praying Mantis with its wings extended: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/10/07/two-photos-of-a-praying-mantis-from-coastal-photographer-siegfried-matull/

The Mendonoma Coast has been enveloped in fog the past two days. It quiets down the sound of the barking Sea Lions on Fish Rocks. Karen Tracy photographed the early morning fog drifting up below her home in Anchor Bay.

Thanks to Karen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

To see a photo of another beautiful sunrise, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/12/24/beautiful-sunrise-photographed-by-coastal-photographer-craig-tooley/


Yesterday we jumped into summer and the warm weather continues today. Of course there are pockets of fog in the usual places - hello, Point Arena! - but the fog will hopefully burn off for everyone.

There were a lot of happy faces as sun shone and David Wayne Floyd photographed the beach action at Anchor Bay Beach yesterday.

This morning with the favorable low tides, abalone divers were hitting the water. A crab boat is working the water south of Fish Rocks this afternoon. Today there is no wind!

Commercial fishermen are awaiting the opening of the Salmon season, which is May 1st south of Point Arena, I believe. Life on the Mendonoma Coast is like a dream, a dream from which you don't want to wake up.


A small storm moved in overnight, leaving us with beautiful rainbows Thursday morning. These rainbows appeared just north of Fish Rocks, near Anchor Bay. I took these photos from our deck.

You can just see the moon at the top of this photo. I thought this was a rather unique-looking rainbow.

 I had to take two pictures to get this big arching rainbow.

What a lovely sight to wake up to!

Tomorrow I will show you photos of two mushrooms that just bloomed on our property - Fly Amanita and Pig's Ears, Gomphus clavatus.

On calm days the Sea Lions on the colony at Fish Rocks just off of the hamlet of Anchor Bay can be heard noisely barking. They are giving birth to pups now on the rocky islands off the coast. Craig Tooley captured a photo of a mom and her newborn pup and has kindly allowed me to share it here. Another of Craig's photos shows a group of Sea Lions on Fish Rocks. They are known for their intelligence and playfulness - this mammal is often the trained "seal" found in zoos. I prefer to view - and listen - to them in the wild!

To see more of Craig's photos, go to: http://web.me.com/theruffians1