Tag Archives: Fire Rainbow

Before the storm arrived, there were rainbows this morning. Now that's a nice way to start the day!

Gary Levenson-Palmer recently photographed several beautiful rainbows. The first shows a rare fire rainbow, a horizontal rainbow.

Fire Rainbow by Gary Levenson-Palmer Rainbow by Gary Levenson-Palmer Rainbow over the ocean by Gary Levenson-Palmer

Rainbow days are one of the privileges of being on the Mendonoma Coast.

I thank Gary for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Just look at these cirrus clouds with a beautiful fire rainbow near the top. John Sperry was in the right place, at the right time, and he caught magic.

Fire Rainbow 2 by John SperryFire rainbow by John Sperry

The clouds remind me of jellyfish, jellyfish floating through the sky.

We have a big storm coming in tomorrow, the third of three storms. Three storms followed by warmer weather - oh my, the mushrooms will be popping.

Thanks to John for allowing me to share these beautiful photos with you here.


We have had several waves of monsoonal moisture visit the Mendonoma Coast in recent weeks, bringing small amounts of rain and this beautiful rainbow over the ocean photographed by Nancy Padgett.

Sea Rainbow by Nancy Padgett

A rare phenomenon, a fire rainbow, was seen over the restaurant Cove Azul in the Cypress Center in Gualala. Susan Cerruti was the lucky photographer who got this photo.

Fire Rainbow by Susan Cerruti

Today the sky is filled with clouds, remnants of a hurricane. The sunset should be amazing and I hope to share it with you here.

Thanks to Nancy and Susan for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

One of the rarest phenomenon, conditions have to be perfect to see a Fire Rainbow or a circumhorizontal arc. Don Spear was lucky to see and photograph one recently.

Fire Rainbow by Don Spear


The sun needs to be very high in the sky, so around the summer solstice is ideal. The sun needs to hit the clouds at exactly 58 degrees. Rather than being on fire, though, it is cold as ice.

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see a photo of another unusual event caused by light refraction, here's a link to see a Fog Bow. http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/10/29/fog-bow-as-photographed-by-peggy-berryhill/