Tag Archives: Eric Zetterholm

Eric Zetterholm photographed one of the first returning Ospreys a few weeks ago. Ospreys usually return from their overwintering sites around the first day of Spring - this year some were early. Eric found this Osprey with its catch, a tasty fish.

I am fortunate to be able to watch an Osprey nest through a scope. The pair has used this nest for well over ten years. The male returns first, followed soon thereafter by his mate. She immediately gets to work on reinforcing the nest. Some winters the nest is destroyed by winter storms, but it looked in good shape when the Ospreys returned this year. They are now mating and she will soon be sitting on eggs. Her mate will fish for both of them.

Ospreys have a high-pitched, whistling call that you can listen to at this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Osprey/sounds

The Mendonoma Coast has everything the Ospreys need to thrive: tall trees for their nests and lots of fish in rivers and the Pacific Ocean. Welcome back, Ospreys!

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's sunny today, with high clouds drifting through, and quite a bit of wind. No need to worry about brushing your hair today!

Eric Zetterholm has been trying to photograph North American River Otters at the Gualala River. There is a family that lives alongside the river. Eric recently photographed one of the elusive otters as he or she dove into the water.

The Gualala River was majestic yesterday with the high tide bringing huge waves over what is left of the sandbar. I will share some photos and video of that soon.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Tuesday started with rain showers. The next few days are suppose to be dry and mild. The ocean is still loud - it's quite amazing to hear.


Eric Zetterholm noticed this Bobcat sitting in a meadow at The Sea Ranch.

Suddenly the Bobcat rose up and began staring at Gopher holes. Eric watched the cat with the tufted ears try to get a tasty rodent, but this time the Bobcat was unsuccessful. Just look at the intensity in the Bobcat's face!


Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Saturday is a spectacular day, warm with no wind. Last night, watching with friends, we saw a beautiful green flash at sunset. There is blessed rain in our forecast!

Eric Zetterholm saw this  young Gray Whale very close in. He went to the Gualala Bluff Trail to photograph it. A couple was on the beach with a dog and they had quite a wonderful show! First Eric photographs the whale spyhopping. Look how close this whale is to the sandbar of the Gualala River!

Here's the whale surfaces while a [lucky] person with their dog watches.

And here's a photo of the Gray Whale's tail.

What a wonderful experience for the people on the beach...and for Eric! Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here. Another great photo, of a man watching while this whale spyhops, will be in tomorrow's Independent Coast Observer.