Tag Archives: Eric Zetterholm


The Gualala Bald Eagles, a mated pair, have been AWOL from the area for a while, so it's wonderful to see at least one of them has returned.

Eric Zetterholm found this mature Bald Eagle perched on a branch at the river recently.

Thanks to Eric for allowing  me to share his photo with you here.

Once again, fog covers the ocean, keeping temps nice and cool, but cutting down on marine sightings! It's a beautiful Autumn day here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Several coast photographers have photographed Belted Kingfishers lately. Eric Zetterholm caught one just taking flight.

Here Ron Bolander photographs one flying.

And Craig Tooley found one resting on a branch.

Here's what the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has to say about these birds:

"With its top-heavy physique, energetic flight, and piercing rattle, the Belted Kingfisher seems to have an air of self-importance as it patrols up and down rivers and shorelines. It nests in burrows along earthen banks and feeds almost entirely on aquatic prey, diving to catch fish and crayfish with its heavy, straight bill. These ragged-crested birds are a powdery blue-gray; males have one blue band across the white breast, while females have a blue and a chestnut band."

So Craig's photo shows a female, as does Eric.

Here is a link to their rattling calls: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Belted_Kingfisher/sounds

Thanks to Eric, Ron and Craig for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

The rain is over though everything is nice and damp from the deluge. Sunny skies have returned. I checked the lagoon of the Gualala River yesterday and it has filled up from the rain - nice!

Several weeks ago many Humpback Whales passed our coast, heading north. Most were quite far out but several photographers got interesting photos. Eric Zetterholm photographed this big Humpback breaching near a fishing boat.

And Ron Bolander caught this beautiful sight.

One last great share from Shari Goforth-Eby.

Any day you see Humpbacks...or any whale!...is a good day!

Thanks to Eric, Ron and Shari for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's hot here today. Overnight temps were in the mid 70's. It got up to 93 degrees this afternoon but suddenly dropped 10 degrees - hooray! The sea breeze is trying to kick in.


Eric Zetterholm and Amy Ruegg were charmed by this baby Brush Rabbit near their home on The Sea Ranch. The little fellow or gal was hanging out with a pair of California Quail. In the first photo, the bunny is with the male quail.

Here is a couple more photos where the bunny is with his/her new friend, the male CA Quail.

Eric calls this Brush Rabbit his "morning Bun." It doesn't get much cuter than this!

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It's HOT here on the Mendonoma Coast today, way too hot! 94 degrees this afternoon here in Anchor Bay. It's cooler, of course, on the ocean bluffs and beaches. A friend told me it was 72 degrees at Bowling Ball Beach this afternoon.

Eric Zetterholm almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. Driving home after work recently, he spotted this Coyote.

We don't see Coyotes often on the coast, but one occasionally appears. We're lucky Eric had his camera at the ready to show us this healthy-looking Coyote.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.