Tag Archives: epic sunset

I noticed the Pacific Ocean was glowing purple and then I took in the totality of the sunset. I gasped out loud!

And it lasted for a long time, nearly a half hour! Talk about magic light.

Since this photo is mine, I don't have to thank myself, do I?!

We have had a lot of rain and mushrooms are beginning to appear. We're having showers this morning, but then a bit of a break. Friday is going to be raining big-time!

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On November 19th we were treated to an epic sunset.

Sunset 11.19.15 (Large)

Sunbeams appear to be reaching skyward and the approaching fog bank to the north added to the event. It truly was breathtaking. I took this photo from our deck in Anchor Bay. Yes, a sunset to be thankful for!


Saturday brought thunderstorms to the Mendonoma Coast. A huge thundercloud sat off of Gualala as the sun was setting. Here is a photo of it at 5:30 pm, followed by the sunset. It's quite beautiful to see the different colors on the thundercloud.

Thundercloud by Jeanne Jackson (Large) Thundercloud at sunset by Jeanne Jackson (Large) Thundercloud at sunset 2 by Jeanne Jackson (Large) Thundercloud at end of sunset by Jeanne Jackson (Large) The eerie sky about with thunderclouds by Jeanne Jackson (Large)

This last photo is of the sky overhead. It just was a magnificent, yet eerie, sunset with the storm clouds. Saturday's sunset was epic!