Tag Archives: Dragonfly

Dragonflies and Damselflies are so intriguing and beautiful. They are living jewels that are found near water. Ron LeValley recently photographed a male Blue Dasher - a Dragonfly.

I thank Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To much more of Ron's photography, here's the link to his web site: http://www.levalleyphoto.com/home/

To see several other Dragonflies on this site, here are the links: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/07/24/a-dragonfly-a-flame-skimmer-visited-my-garden/

I am fascinated by Dragonflies and Damselflies. When you view them up close you can see their intricate designs and sparkling colors - they are living jewels. These insects have six legs, like all other insects, but they can't walk well. But, boy, are they fast fliers! They are found near water and are beneficial in that they eat mosquitoes, flies and other small insects. How can you tell the male and female apart? The Dragonfly holds his wings out perpendicular to his body when at rest. The Damselfly holds her wings together just above her body. If you can get close enough, the males eyes touch, while the females eyes are apart.

John Sperry photographed a Common Whitetail Dragonfly and has kindly allowed me to share it with you.

And if you'd like to see a Flame Skimmer, click on the link below.


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An orange Dragonfly - Libellula saturata - visited my garden in Anchor Bay. In our courtyard we have a small pond with a waterfall flowing from an old-growth Redwood stump. The Rough-skinned Newt is still in residence in the pond. A few days ago I noticed this beautiful naiad flitting around the plants by the pond. This jewel-like Dragonfly eats moths, flies, ants and other insects. Welcome to my garden, male Flame Skimmer!