Tag Archives: Diane Hichwa

It's always a treat to see the Tall Ships sail by. The Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain had come to Bodega Bay recently. John Sperry photographed them at anchor.

There were tours and the chance to sail with the crew. Since their home base is in the state of Washington, we are treated to the sight of these two ships sailing by several times a year. Diane Hichwa caught the Lady Washington on April 17 sailing north.

At the Gualala River Sightings event, Diane Hichwa won the Best Series award with her photos of a River Otter taking a Gull. Though it's not easy to see, it is nature in action.

The first photo Diane entitled "Help!" A River Otter came up underneath a flock of Gulls and nabbed this one.

Other Otters joined in to bring the Gull to shore, which shows they work cooperatively.

And the next photo Diane entitled "Bringing home dinner."

And below is the spot these River Otters use as their "dining table."

Thanks to Diane for her interesting look into the world of River Otters, who live near the mouth of the Gualala River.

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Two little Western Screech Owls, each believed to be hit by a car, were rescued and taken to the Bird Rescue Center in Santa Rosa. One was found in October and it had a broken bone in its wing. The other was rescued in November. The two Owls were put together. Diane Hichwa was given the charge of picking them up, driving them up windy Highway One and then ten miles up Mountain View Road where one of the owls was found. She invited Rick and me to join her and her husband, Bryant. And what an experience it was! Here is one of the little owls waiting to be set free.

 Below Diane is taking one of the owls out of its travel box. I am nervously standing by, wearing gloves to protect my hands.

 It was so awesome to hold this little owl. They only weigh eight ounces. The one I was holding was quiet in my hands.

 Below Diane has the second owl out and we are prepared to let them go. We let them look at each other before setting them free.

 Diane released her Owl first and it flew off into the trees. I followed a few seconds later and the second Owl followed the first one. Here's hoping they thrive in the future.

Everyone involved with these owls can be proud of a job very well done. It was thrilling for me to be a part of their release.

Bryant Hichwa took these photos and I thank him for allowing me to share them with you here.