Tag Archives: crashing waves

Paul Brewer visited Salt Point State Park recently. He found crashing waves and some beautiful waterfalls.

I'd sure like to see these waterfalls after today's storm is over - they should be in full flood!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: https://paulbrewer.smugmug.com/

We received more than 2 3/4 inches of rain from the previous storm, and my season to date total was 27.45 inches. It's pouring as I type this so the total will be going up...way up!

Don't get close to the bluff edge, especially after all the rain we've had here on the Mendonoma Coast. Roxanne Holmes didn't get wet with this crashing wave, but it was a close call! You can see a big wave forming behind this crashing wave.

Gail Jackson went to the Gualala Bluff Trail and got these photos.

It's pretty thrilling to observe the power of the ocean at moments like these.

Thanks to Roxanne and Gail for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's raining as I type this. So far this season I've recorded 37.15 inches. 50 inches total is a normal winter, to give  you perspective. I'm on day eight of no power, and I've run out of propane for my generator. But I'm getting help to keep the generator on for short periods of time with 5 gallon propane cylinders. Wood stove is going, and a certain kitty I adopted loves laying in front of that stove. Many others here on the coast are in a similar predicament. We help each other as we can, and we smile through the experience...because, really, what else can you do?


Last week the Pacific Ocean was turbulent, and big waves hit coastal bluffs, rocks and beaches. Phil Lewenthal photographed the impressive action at Salt Point State Park.

It gives me goosebumps to see the power of these crashing waves.

Thanks to Phil for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Big, fat swells are rolling in today in advance of several storms. Bob Rutemoeller recently photographed some big surf off the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands.

You can see the beautiful Point Arena Lighthouse in the background. The Lands, and the Lighthouse, are such a gift for locals and visitors alike.

Thanks to Bob for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Robert Scarola recently photographed the action off of The Sea Ranch.
King Tide and Waves from Storm by Robert ScarolaJPG

You can almost hear the crash of the waves by looking at Robert's photo.

Janet Burch was also out photographing the big swells.

Magnificent waves by Janet Tervo

Note that the waves are crashing bluff high - amazing!

Thanks to Robert and Janet for allowing me to share their photos with you here.