Tag Archives: Coyotes

Michael Beattie wrote, “It was just a wonderful day at the Lands today, January 1. We see these two Coyotes on an almost daily basis. They seem to be keeping the Gophers in check. The one we originally saw actually called the second one to their side, and it came quickly from an unseen hideout.”

Here's a close-up of one of the healthy-looking Coyotes.

And here is where the one Coyote was calling to the other one.

Michael also reports a pair of Peregrine Falcons are back at a rocky island off the Lands. He wrote, “I’ve located the old Stornetta pair, and keeping them safe by not visiting too closely.”

Thanks to Michael for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Lots of rain from this morning's storm, over one inch. Much more headed our way soon.